Cyber Security
“Is my existing IT set up secure enough for my business?”
Facts that we know:
81% of all cyber security breaches happen to SME’s
1 in 5 Irish SME’s will suffer a cyber breach this year
A cyber breach is occurring every 40 seconds
97% of breaches could have been prevented
Fundamentally, at the centre of any modern business (or what we call today, a Digital World) is Your Data – Your Identity. This Data resides in the form of key business systems such as:
- Emails
- Financial applications
- Stock systems
- Payroll packages
- Mechanical drawing applications
- Microsoft Word, Excel etc
‘Cyber Security’ is an umbrella term which covers different layers and levels of security to protect all of these.

How It Works
Our work lives, personal lives, and finances have all started to gravitate towards the world of the internet, mobile computing, and electronic media. Unfortunately, there are fraudsters and criminals who want to take advantage and steal from us. These criminals have always been around, but now they exist in the technology world as well as in the real world. They use the following methods to do this:
They hack into your system, using malware or weak passwords waiting on average 260 days and then take ownership of your data. They are not actually interested in your data itself, it is of no value to them – but they know your data is important to you so they ask you to pay to get it back!
They compromise your email system, pretending to be someone else and asking you to pay that invoice into a “new bank account”. You do!
They call you or a staff member with small queries, simple questions, numerous times, looking to gather information to build up a profile which in turn helps them steal your identity.
Over 50% of all Cyber Attackers target SMEs, mostly because they do not invest much in their own defences – and therefore an attack is much more likely to succeed.
In this modern world Cybercrime is now the biggest form of crime with an annual rate of $6 trillion, making cyber-attacks more profitable than the world trade of illegal drugs and prostitution combined.
Cyber Security keeps us safe from hackers, cyber criminals, and other agents of fraud.
Why Cyber Security Is Important
These systems and data sets are what we call your ‘Crown Jewels’.
Ask yourself a couple of questions:
- How important is this data to you?
- What happens if you cannot access it?
- What impact does this have?
- What happens to your reputation?
- Does it have a financial implication?
Your answers to these will determine the amount of time and investment you need to make on Cyber Security.

Affordable Cyber Security Bundle
Sync IT have a simple & affordable Cyber Security Bundle to protect your business.
Benefits include:
- Reduce and remove the threat of a cyber attack, with 24 x 7 cover and response capabilities.
- Reduce reputational damage
- Educate your staff – making them more aware of the shifting landscape
- Ransomware warranty built into the contract to give you peace of mind that if you do get attacked.
Smart, Stable & Secure
It is our goal to provide our clients with an IT system that is Smart, Stable and Secure – ensuring they are ready for business but also ready should they have a potential Cyber Attack. These levels and layers of protection, detection and recovery are in line with best practice. This best practice is Cyber Essentials.
We deliver our Cyber Security bundle as part of our core ‘managed IT service’. It is not an option anymore.

Our service covers all the below elements that make up a modern-day IT workplace.
- 24×7 security threat monitoring, incident response & threat mitigation
- Deeper level of URL scanning and Web Policy definition
- Provision of Email SPAM Filtering & Monitoring (SPF, DKIM, DMARC)
- Proactive monitoring of Microsoft Office 365 tenants for prevention of email hacking
- Comprehensive end user security awareness training
- Scheduled Dummy Phishing Attacks
- Ongoing scanning of Dark Web for stolen credentials
Complete the form below to allow us send you our eBook – ‘Are you Prepared for a Cyber Attack’.
This document will take you 3 minutes to read and will help you decide if Sync IT is the right fit for your business now or at some point in the future.
Have a question? No matter how big or small don’t be afraid to get in touch!