Cyber Security Assessment
Are you losing sleep or worried about how well your IT security strategy stacks up?
Using the Cyber Essentials framework we carry out a “Cyber Security Assessment”, a 247 step questionnaire covering all areas of a normal IT setup linked to your specific business.
This will check your network’s security and overall health to review and validate as many as 15 different data-loss and security loopholes.
When completed, the report of findings will not only reveal if your data and computer network (Crown Jewels) are properly backed up and secured, but also if there is anything you need to do now to prevent a major network outage, data loss, hacker attack or other expensive, data-erasing disaster.
Step 1
Advanced Endpoint Detection
Step 2
Computer Updates
Step 3
Backup & Restore
Step 4
User Privileges Management
Step 5
Step 6
Multi-Factor Authentication

Step 7
Step 8
Email Spam Filtering
Step 9
Mobile Device Management
Step 10 to 12
Profile & Detection
Step 13
Security Information & Event Management (SIEM)
Step 14
Compliance & Business Continuity

Can you answer yes to every question below?
Can you answer yes to every question below?
- Is your data backup TRULY backing up ALL the important files and data you’d never want to lose?
- Are your employees storing confidential and important information on unprotected cloud apps that are OUTSIDE of your backup?
- Are your employees aware of how serious their role is in practicing safe computing?
- Tell the truth – are you saving your passwords on a document named “passwords” that you’re pretty sure no one else has access to? In the hacker world, we call that a honey pot – meaning it’s a big target that is sought immediately when a network has been breached. And if you’ve been breached, chances are really high that your credentials and permissions don’t mean anything.
- Are you SURE no one in your company is storing credit card information and sensitive data on their own desktop or on a mobile device?
- Do you feel confident that the server your employees use to access the network remotely is truly locked down and all patches have been applied, to avoid a breach?
- When was the last time the operating system (or firmware) was updated on the network modem and firewall?
Benefits To Your Business
Cyber Essentials is a globally recognised baseline standard for IT security. It is managed by Certification Europe. Think of it as health check covering core areas of IT and IT security controls.
The Cyber Essentials scheme is used to ‘give assurance’ to both clients and providers that you apply basic levels of IT-related security.
Having a Cyber Essentials certification can help you:
- Secure contracts, especially in the public sector Reduces your risks of data breaches and other attacks
- Helps to address other compliance requirements (such as GDPR) and generally makes good business sense.